The `PivotFilter` class represents a single filter condition.
The filter condition represented by a `PivotFilter` instance relates to one data frame variable/column and is of the form [ColumnName] IN c(Value1, Value2, Value3, ...). Often in a pivot table, each filter specifies only one data value, as typically each distinct data value exists in a separate row or column. The `PivotFilter` class contains methods to perform set based operations on filter values when combining filters.
The name of the column in the data frame that this filter applies to.
The name of the column in the data frame that this filter applies to, surrounded by back-ticks if the name is not legal.
Either "ALL", "VALUES" or "NONE". "VALUES" is the most common type and means the data is filtered to a subset of values. "ALL" means there is no filtering, i.e. all values match. "NONE" means there can be no matching values/data.
The subset of values that this filter matches.
Create a new `PivotFilter` object.
PivotFilter$new(parentPivot, variableName = NULL, type = "ALL", values = NULL)
The pivot table that this `PivotFilter` instance belongs to.
The name of the column in the data frame that this filter applies to.
Must be either "ALL", "VALUES" or "NONE". "VALUES" is the most common type and means the data is filtered to a subset of values. "ALL" means there is no filtering, i.e. all values match. "NONE" means there can be no matching values/data.
A single data value or a vector of multiple data values that this filter will match on.
Updates this filter by intersecting the values in this filter with the values from another `PivotFilter` object.
Updates this filter by unioning the values in this filter with the values from another `PivotFilter` object.
Updates this filter by replacing the values in this filter with the values from another `PivotFilter` object.
Return a representation of this object as a character value.
pt <- PivotTable$new()
# ...
PivotFilter$new(pt, variableName="Country", values="England")
#> <PivotFilter>
#> Public:
#> asJSON: function ()
#> asList: function ()
#> asString: function (includeVariableName = TRUE, seperator = " ")
#> clone: function (deep = FALSE)
#> getCopy: function ()
#> initialize: function (parentPivot, variableName = NULL, type = "ALL", values = NULL)
#> intersect: function (filter)
#> replace: function (filter)
#> safeVariableName: active binding
#> type: active binding
#> union: function (filter)
#> values: active binding
#> variableName: active binding
#> Private:
#> p_parentPivot: PivotTable, R6
#> p_safeVariableName: Country
#> p_type: VALUES
#> p_values: England
#> p_variableName: Country